Don Bosco Suprabha

Don Bosco Davangere is involved in the education and rehabilitation of child labourers and marginalized youth and also provides pastoral services to the catholic community in the neighborhood.

In 1996, work for the children was started at Davangere foreseeing the child labour problem around the city. Don Bosco Davangere began in 1996 with a non-formal school for the school dropouts. A special school for child labourers was initiated in 1998 through the motivation of Government of Karnataka with the help of Women and child welfare department. Hence Don Bosco Rehabilitation centre for the child labourers began in the city.

Apart from catering to the young at risk, Don Bosco Davangere is actively involved in various community development activities such as training programmes to Gram Panchayat members, teachers, School Development Monitoring Committee (SDMC), Self Help Groups (SHGs), and Youth Groups.